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MASTER KUTHUMI COURSES (Requires Pre-Requisite & Pre-Approval)
I am excited to share this powerful program of Spiritual Mastery with you! Thank you for your equal enthusiasm and interest in Master Kuthumi's program entitled: "Pathway to Mastery and Spiritual Empowerment" Courses. Kuthumi has been instructing a large number of individuals from around the world (for nine (9) years now) in serious instruction for Mastery in the Fifth Dimension.
Congratulations to YOU for hearing the higher calling
and looking into joining this group who is enlisted in World Service on a scale that will, most certainly, surprise you. I have received many reports from the participants of the phenomenal benefits they have received as a result of their active participation with the courses, especially how strong they have become on their individual paths to mastery.
According to Kuthumi, (who has structured the classes so that one year builds upon another), it is necessary that
all new members
MUST enter the program at the entry level program of Year 1. Kuthumi says there are no exceptions. I know you will understand why and agree once you begin the program too. The classes are intense and ONE CLASS BUILDS UPON ANOTHER. Therefore, it truly is necessary to proceed in this manner.
Kuthumi stated clearly in the beginning that he wanted only the strongest, most dedicated Disciples to step forward for this training. Those who were/are prepared to journey forward with serious intentions of becoming the Adam Kadmon on Earth, walking in the footsteps of Christ. These classes, as you will see, deliver to his request. Below are the annual curriculum.
The first year's (2010) program contained critical, (condensed) instruction that we need to help release ourselves from the Third Dimension. Do not be surprised when the curriculum delivers you quickly and shows you the way on how to release yourself from the Earth Plane. He did an extraordinary job in “cutting to the chase” and showing us the way to see through the illusions down here. This year really did allot to “ground” us in the Christ energy, and was the most difficult for allot of Lightworkers, but stayed with it, and are so grateful now that they did, for the following years really accelerated into higher learning.
The second year (2011) contained information on how to work as an Ascended Master on the Higher Dimensions of timespace WITH THE ASCENDED REALMS. We learned hidden truths and laws to follow that we must know to be effective leaders with the Masters in delivering the Divine Plan to Earth.
The third year (2012), Kuthumi taught us how to Activate the Adam Kadmon on Earth. We learned and applied the steps of being Christed Beings as we merged with Our Higher Presence and facilitated great changes on the planet.
Be the Flower of Life, and receive instructions on how to repair, rebuild and remodel Mother Earth and her people through higher formulas. Become stewards of Mother Earth through free-will of this co-creation. Student performances will direct the topics for this year.
Master Kuthumi is going to instruct us on using the other 90% of our brain power. Following is a quote from Kuthumi regarding this year's experience......
"During the course of this next year, the "Brain Temple" of each participant will be adorned with the exact Atlantean Sacred Geometric Facets that it will need to not only bridge the two halves of the brain together, but also ignite the hidden, etheric neurons that have been lying dormant for over 10,000 years. These facets will set the ancient Atlantean Language (stored within the Akashic Records of the souls) on fire, bringing critical knowledge to the surface of the subconscious minds, making it easier to access an understanding of this knowledge in the future. Each member will shift 7 times throughout the year, and these "adjustments in consciousness" will bring his or her soul 7 steps closer to experiencing the higher planes of consciousness that is used by the Ascended Realms. Just as Buddha entered Nirvana, so will this group be guided to do so, as well.
We look forward to facilitating your shift, Dear Commanders. You have waited a long time for this day to arrive. We rejoice that it is NOW here, and you are ready to proceed up this path. Adonai in the Light of Sananda's Return. I AM Kuthumi."
2015-2019 PROGRAM
Contact us for the remaining curricula for 2015-2019 - orders@athenalctr.com.
The cost for the "make-up" courses are discounted - please contact us for costs. There's an additional discount for those who elect to sign up for all 10 years at once. The classes occur once a month (on a Sunday), 10 months a year, and are about 1-1/2 hours long. In making up the classes, you can proceed at your own pace, go as fast or slow as you want, listening to each class and following up with the HOMEWORK. Take the HOMEWORK seriously. Kuthumi stresses this, as the Masters will be observing you as you proceed through the program. I know you will "catch-up" quickly. There have been many that have successfully caught-up in this manner.
Take each course one at a time and once you are caught up, you will then be able to actively join the ongoing group for the 2020 "live" on-line classes. They are all recorded for the membership, so if you cannot make a live session, you can listen as soon as you are able to connect. Being on the live calls on highly recommended.
If this resonates with you, contact us and we can assist you through the sign-up process. Cost varies by years. Thank you.
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Athena Leadership Center ~ Kalispell, Montana ~